what is it
The diary study is a research method inspired by cultural probes, in which participants are asked to monitor and report specific data over a defined period of time. The diary can be analog or digital, request to simply log specific information or even take photos and videos. It could help with remote research, and facilitate self-reflection prior to an in-depth interview.
use it to
Analyse repetitive actions and daily behaviours, things we don’t pay attention to.
remember to
Keep participants motivated by assigning one mission-at-a-time and let them play with it.
(2015) Baxter, Kathy & Courage, Chatherine & Caine, Kelly. Diary Studies.(2012) Goodman, E & Kuniavsky, M & Moed, A. Observing the User Experience, Second Edition: A Practitioner's Guide to User Research. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc.